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Vol. 2 No. 5 - Feast of St. Nicholas 2007

Sonnet XVI.

My soul, O Lord, my soul doth weep for Thee,
As doth the widow weep for him whose hand
So lately lay upon her brow. I stand
As lost as by her husband's grave doth she,
Now knowing well that parted she must be
From touch, from warmth, from all the things they planned
To labour for: their children, house and land
Which they did tend in love and charity.
And yet, my Christ, 'tis Thee who truly live
While I remain encumbered by the chains
Of passions rooted deep within me. Come
And labour with me, Lord, that I may give
Myself to Thee as bride to Holy Bridegroom. Pains
Will I endure if Thou wilt take me home!

Sara Hillis, (Feast of St. Nicholas, 2007)

© All Saints of North America Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America, 2007.